⭐PAPA K. 於30 MAR 2018 開始休假至 3 APR 2018 上班
包裹取件建議於23 MAR 2018前完成
包裹於27 MAR 2018前抵達倉庫將可以安排上班機
⭐復活節抽獎活動期限至 14 MAR 2018 17:00 (GMT+8)
折價優惠限 30 MAR 2018 以前使用截止(含30號當週班機)
集運/ 團運/ 代運 - 🇦🇺澳洲&🇺🇸美國運輸至🇹🇼台灣
LINE抽獎活動就有機會獲得限量版VIP彩蛋 AUD 6.5 per KG + USD 2.5 per LBS 運輸優惠卷
活動期限即日起到 14 April 2018 17:00 結束 (GMT+8)
LINE搜尋 @lia4960t 參加運輸優惠活動
活動網址請用行動裝置開啟: https://goo.gl/acB6KH
歡迎大家踴躍參與喔~ ✈
活動注意事項頁面: https://goo.gl/w2hbGb
PAPA K. 國際物流運輸 International Delivery
👍 粉絲專頁: www.facebook.com/OH.PAPA.K
🎩 官方網站: www.papa-k.com
📫 電子郵件: info.papa.k@gmail.com
🍀 LINE : goo.gl/kwxpJc (ID: @lia4960t)
🐦 TWITTER: twitter.com/PAPA_K_Delivery/
🔷 痞克邦: http://infopapak.pixnet.net/blog
🐰 PAPA K. Easter holidays & event notice 🐣
⭐ PAPA K. holiday off from 30 MAR 2018 to 2 MAR 2018
We will be back on 3 APR 2018
⭐For next week's flight, please note the following information
Completed the parcels pickup before 23 MAR 2018 is recommended
Parcel have to arrive at the PAPA K. local warehouse before 27 MAR 2018, will be able to schedule a flight
⭐ Easter event ends at 14 Mar 2018 (Gmt+ 8)
Discount can only be used before 30 Mar 2018 (Including the weekly flight on 30 MAR 2018)
⭐ The winner can use the discount for unlimited times during the event time
Easter discount from 🇦🇺 Australia & 🇺🇸 USA delivery to 🇹🇼 Taiwan
Line@ event, chance to get limited edition VIP discount AUD 6.5 per kg + USD 2.5 per lbs coupon
Event ends at 14 April 2018 (Gmt+ 8)
APP Line search ID @ lia4960t to join the event lottery
Link are only available for smartphone: https://goo.gl/acB6KH
One user has only one chance to participate in the event
Welcome to take your chance ~ ✈
Event page: https://goo.gl/w2hbGb
PAPA K. 國際物流運輸 International Delivery
👍 Fan page: www.facebook.com/OH.PAPA.K
🎩 Official Website: www.papa-k.com
📫 Email: info.papa.k@gmail.com
🍀 LINE : goo.gl/kwxpJc(ID: @lia4960t)
🐦 Twitter: twitter.com/PAPA_K_Delivery/
🔷 Pxnet: http://infopapak.pixnet.net/blog