#空運 #海運 #運輸方式 #包裹 #代購 #搬家 #行李箱 #生活用品 #大型商業
✈空運 VS. 海運⛴
⏱運輸時間約 7 個工作天左右
☑留學生行李 ☑簡單代購 ☑運一些書籍 ☑生活用品
☑大規模的搬家 ☑大型商業運輸
因此, 如果包裹未達1CBM(100*100*100cm)或200kg以上
PAPA K. 國際物流運輸 International Delivery 📷👍 粉絲專頁: www.facebook.com/OH.PAPA.K 📷🎩 官方網站: www.papa-k.com 📷📫 電子郵件: info.papa.k@gmail.com 📷🍀 LINE : goo.gl/kwxpJc (ID: @lia4960t)
🛫🎌🚢 PAPA K. #AirFreight #OceanFreight #DeliveryKnowledge
✈ Air Freight vs. Ocean Freight⛴
People usually have the impression that air freight is more expensive than ocean freight? 🤔
Let's find out what kind of package is suitable for which type of shipping
(Taking the example of 🇦🇺 Austraila to 🇹🇼Taiwan for the following information.)
✈ Air Freight
💰 Based on the Volume weight and Actual weight(kg)
Ship a package about 30 kg in air freight, shipping price will be at AUD8* per KG only.
⏱ Delivery duration is about 7 working days
📦 Package
☑ Students Luggage ☑ Purchasing Broke ☑ Books ☑ Necessities
⛴ Ocean Freight
💰 Normally shipping price is more than AUD1000*
Shipping Price rate as per CBM (Cubic Meter)
⏱ Delivery duration is around one and a half month
📦 Package
☑ House Moving ☑ Commercial Shipping
Therefore, if the package is NOT over 1CBM (100*100*100 cm) nor over 200kg, then, Air Freight will be your best option.
If you have any further inquiry about #InternationalDelivery #AirFreight #OceanFreight
Please do not hesitate to leave your comment for us❗
PAPA K. 國際物流運輸 International Delivery 👍 Fan Page: www.facebook.com/OH.PAPA.K 🎩 Official Website: www.papa-k.com 📫 Email: Info.Papa.K@Gmail.Com 🍀 LINE : goo.gl/kwxpJc (ID: @lia4960t)