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🛥🚢⛴PAPA K. 運輸小知識 海運 Delivery Knowledge Ocean Freight

部分人對於空運的感覺就是比海運貴 所以詢價的時候都會說明想使用海運 但是其實並不盡然唷~😤

🌏以下資訊僅已🇦🇺澳洲至台灣🇹🇼為例 🌏我們全世界都可以安排海運唷

💰 海運費用 運費價錢約AUD1000*起跳 而費用都會因為實際運輸量和運抵地點而增加 海運主要以材積(重量是輔助)來計費

⏱時效性 從取件到目的地簽收約一個半月左右

以下可能條件等大型運輸則較為適合海運 ☑大規模的搬家🏡 ☑大型商業運輸💼 或是您有更多大型運輸條件問題 就由PAPA K.專員來為您評估吧~

🛳海運小提醒 因長時間在海上可能會有潮濕問題產生 所以包裹內部建議要做一些 #防潮措施

如果您有任何關於 #海運 #國際運輸 的相關問題🤓 更多小知識請搜尋 #運輸小知識 歡迎一同留言分享喔

將物流與視野同步 邁向全世界❗ Good Logistic Broaden Your Horizons❗

PAPA K.| 國際物流運輸 International Delivery 👍 粉絲專頁: 🎩 官方網站: 📫 電子郵件: 🍀 LINE : (ID: @lia4960t)


People usually have the impression that air freight is more expensive than ocean freight But not exactly (The following information only example from 🇦🇺 Austraila to Taiwan 🇹🇼) PAPA K. can arrange ocean freight All Over The World🌏

💰 Ocean Freight Cost Normally ocean freight shipping price is more than AUD1000* The price will be increased by actual box weights and arrival place Shipping price also depends on Volume Weight (upper value with Volume weight and Box weights).

⏱ Delivery Duration It will take about one and a half month of delivery from Australia to Taiwan

These conditions are more suitable for ocean freight ☑ Moving house 🏡 ☑ Commercial shipping 💼 For more information about ocean freight inquiry Please feel free to contact PAPA K.

🛳 Ocean Freight Notice There might get some damp problems because it takes a long period of delivery duration. Please be aware to prepare some #Dampproof when packaging

If you have any further inquiry about #InternationalDelivery#SeaDelviery #CceanFreight Please do not hesitate to leave your comment for us❗

Good Logistic Broaden Your Horizons❗

PAPA K. 國際物流運輸 International Delivery 👍 Fan Page: 🎩 Official Website: 📫 Email: Info.Papa.K@Gmail.Com 🍀 LINE : (ID: @lia4960t)

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