(以下資訊參考於Victoria's Secret官方網站)
🇺🇸#美國 維多利亞的秘密 #VictoriasSecret #VS #內衣
☑女性內衣 ☑女裝 ☑睡衣 ☑運動內衣 ☑美容用品
運動內衣 指定商品買一送一
結帳輸入Code: BOGOBRAS
這裡挑: https://goo.gl/WkiRmn
所有胸罩內衣 只需要$35 USD
這裡逛: https://goo.gl/qcZQta
凡消費滿$50 USD
結帳時輸入Code: VSSHIP50 即可獲得美國地區免運費
優惠期限至29 Nov 2017 11:59 PT
Victoria's Secret 官方網站: https://www.victoriassecret.com/
建議訂購後寄送至PAPA K.當地倉庫
再由PAPA K.寄送至世界各地
購物詳情: https://goo.gl/srkMU8
✈美國 🇺🇸 到台灣🇹🇼
完整估價攻略: https://goo.gl/u94BoM
活動詳情: https://goo.gl/KbUhGf
PAPA K.| 國際物流運輸 International Delivery
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🐦 TWITTER: twitter.com/PAPA_K_Delivery/
The most wanted global female brand, Victoria's Secret💗
Now, huge discount for almost every kind of products
So, let's shop before the end of Black Friday discounts
(The following information is from Victoria's Secret official website)
🇺🇸 #America VictoriasSecret #VS #Underwear
Victoria's Secret is an American designer, manufacturer, and marketer of women's premium lingerie, womenswear, and beauty products
Brand advocates for women to wear beauty, wear charm, wear with their own secrets
Victoria's Secret holds Fashion Show annually, which brings in great influence on the "Internal aesthetics" of all global female.
☑Bras ☑Lingerie ☑Pajama ☑Sport Bars ☑Beauty
💵 Product Discount:
Sports underwear Buy 1, Get 1 Free Select Styles Offer
Enter offer code "BOGOBRAS" at check out
Shop here: https://goo.gl/WkiRmn
All bras only need $ 35 USD
Discount here: https://goo.gl/qcZQta
Order $50 USD enter offer code "VSSHIP50" at checkout, gets free shipping in the U.S.A.
Offer Valid to 29 Nov 2017 11:59 PT
Victoria's Secret Official Website: https://www.victoriassecret.com/
The official website delivery price is more expensive
Purchasing from USA and send to Local PAPA K. warehouse is recommended
PAPA K. will take care the rest of international delivery
International Online Shopping details: https://goo.gl/srkMU8
U.S.A. 🇺🇸 to Taiwan🇹🇼
Inquiry details: https://goo.gl/u94BoM
🎅X'mas Shipping Discount🎁
Lowest rate from USA/AUS to TWN only $6 per KG
Event detail: https://goo.gl/KbUhGf
PAPA K. 國際物流運輸 International Delivery
👍 Fan Page: www.facebook.com/OH.PAPA.K
🎩 Official Website: www.papa-k.com
📫 Email: info.papa.k@gmail.com
🍀 LINE : goo.gl/kwxpJc (ID: @lia4960t)
🐦 TWITTER: twitter.com/PAPA_K_Delivery/