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🍔🌭🍕PAPA K. 運輸熱門寄 食品運輸 Popular International Food Delivery

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Top10熱門運輸商品之食品篇💓 小編今天來為大家介紹🇦🇺 #澳洲 當地最具特色的食品唷

🍫澳洲 #Arnotts #餅乾 ✨商品介紹: #TIMTAM 餅乾 巧克力威化餅,在澳洲是最受歡迎的餅乾 小編聽說黑色的比較不甜~其他口味都爆甜的🤣 ☄品牌官網: 大家有聽過TIMTAM的特別吃法嗎? #TIMTAMSLAM 這方式讓甜度變得溫和,多數人較能夠接受唷 小編嘗試過一次味道真的超級美味,圓滑不膩的甜度(依個人口感而定) 建議沒有試過朋友們的不妨試試是看唷

🍭澳洲 #TheNaturalConfectioneryCo #軟糖 ✨商品介紹: #TheNatural 軟糖推出多款健康美味的水果軟糖,強調不添加人工色素或香料,99%零脂肪給小孩和大人健康的零食選擇 ☄品牌官網:

🥔澳洲 #RedRockDeli #洋芋片 ✨商品介紹: 澳洲Red Rock Deli洋芋片是嚴選澳洲最優質的馬鈴薯,經過精心挑選、清理和切片,搭配100%葵花油慢火烹培而成,趁熱灑上調味料,每口都能品嚐到新鮮食材與製作的用心 ☄品牌官網: 大家公認Red Rock Deli是洋芋片界的法拉利呢 (此物品強烈提醒包裝問題,可能因空運而產生爆掉風險)

🍪澳洲 #Jumpy's 餅乾 ✨商品介紹: 不含防腐劑,保存期限約都只有兩個月喔 ☄品牌官網: 有興趣購買的朋友們要記得注意商品的有效期限唷

如果您有任何關於 #代購 #食品運輸 #包裹包裝 #關稅 #關務 的相關問題或是想從小編這知道什麼樣的商品🤓 歡迎一同留言分享喔❗

PAPA K. 與您一同把關您的包裹及您親愛的荷包 Your International Delivery - Be Safe & Save.

PAPA K. 國際物流運輸 International Delivery 👍 粉絲專頁: 🎩 官方網站: 📫 電子郵件: 🍀 LINE : (ID: @lia4960t)


We Proudly Present, Australia 🇦🇺 Top Sales Food Products💓

🍫Australia #Arnotts #Cookies ✨ Product Introduction: #TIMTAM Cookies Chocolate Waffle is one of the most popular food in Australia From sweet to savory, chocolate to fruit, indulgence to simple pleasures; it’s no wonder millions of Australians have grown up, celebrated, relaxed, indulged and sustained themselves with Arnott's biscuits. ☄ Arnott's link: Have you ever heard of a special way to taste Timtam? #Timtamslam This is a way to make sweetness more moderate. We have tried to taste Timtam from this way, and it was perfectly delicious We really recommended trying this Tim Tam Slam

🍭 Australia #TheNaturalConfectioneryCo #Fudge ✨ Product Introduction: #TheNatural Fudge pride on making the most delicious confectionery taste sensation for the growing number of consumers who insist on no artificial colors and no artificial flavors. Made with care based on the original Australian recipe from The Natural Confectionery Co. Delicious fruit flavored jellies in fun snake shapes, No artificial colors and no artificial flavors ☄ The Natural Confectionery Co link:

🥔 Australia #RedRockDeli #PotatoChip ✨ Product Introduction: Australian Red Rock Deli Potato Chip is the most high-quality potato in Australia, carefully selected, cleaned and sliced, paired with 100 % of Sunflower Oil, and it's all over the heat. You can taste fresh ingredients and make-up. ☄ Red Cock Deli link: It is heard that Red Rock Deli is like a Ferrari level of potato chips (This kind of product might get damaged because of air pressure during air transport, so please be aware of the ways packaging the product)

🍪 Australia #Jumpys Cookies ✨ Product Introduction: no preservatives, validity period for about two months. ☄ Jumpy's link: (Please notice the validity period of the product before buying)

For any further inquiry about #InternationalFoodDelivery #InternationalOnlineShopping #Packaging #CustomsClearance Or any kinds of product you are interested in about?🤓 Please do not hesitate to leave your comment for us ❗

Papa k. With You, your package and your dear purse. Your International Delivery - Be Safe & Save.

PAPA K. 國際物流運輸 International Delivery 👍 Fan Page: 🎩 Official Website: 📫 Email: Info.Papa.K@Gmail.Com 🍀 LINE : (ID: @lia4960t)

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