包裝材質: https://goo.gl/q56DnS
📤報關需注意事項可以參考之前的文章 #運輸熱門寄 #運輸規劃寄
最常見的 #鋰電池
準備好後詢問PAPA K.專員
✈美國 🇺🇸 到台灣🇹🇼
完整估價攻略: https://goo.gl/u94BoM
PAPA K. 國際物流運輸 International Delivery 👍 粉絲專頁: www.facebook.com/OH.PAPA.K 🎩 官方網站: www.papa-k.com 📫 電子郵件: info.papa.k@gmail.com 🍀 LINE : goo.gl/kwxpJc (ID: @lia4960t)
💻📷📺 PAPA K. #InternationalDelivery #Battery#InternationalOnlineShopping #GroupDelivery #ConsolidatedDelivery
Ever since the shipping news about #iPhoneX are spread out 😜
All kinds of electronic products delivery are getting popular
We have collected some common question🤓
The following is a brief description of the transport of electronic products⚠
🗒 Tips to check before purchase
Packaging Material: https://goo.gl/q56DnS
Does the product contain batteries 🔋 and understand the ingredients and model of the battery
Does the product have any symbol of flammable🔥
📤Customs Clearance, please follow the prior post #DeliveryNotice#CustomsClearance
In any kind of freight, all battery are categorized as Danger Items☠
The common battery #LithiumBattery, please be aware
➡Is the battery pack in the individual box?
➡Is the battery pack in the device while shipping??
Provide the information about the electronic device and contact with PAPA K.
We will provide some delivery advice and assess whether it is suitable for freight
✈U.S.A. 🇺🇸 to Taiwan🇹🇼
Inquiry details: https://goo.gl/u94BoM
PAPA K. 國際物流運輸 International Delivery 👍 Fan Page: www.facebook.com/OH.PAPA.K 🎩 Official Website: www.papa-k.com 📫 Email: Info.Papa.K@Gmail.Com 🍀 LINE : goo.gl/kwxpJc (ID: @lia4960t)